All these FANTASTIC baby gifts arrived in the post today! Thank you sooo much to Jency, Brian, Aleta, Josh and Ari! Olive will be THE best dressed baby in town :o)
Thank you Auntie Wendy for the GORGEOUS merino outfits. Can you believe that newborn size outfit is how big Baby Olive is right now?!?!
Well here's the latest "bump" photo to prove it!
Here's our shiny new pushchair being road tested by the very cuddly Edmond! Also the fancy changing bag which Mum and Dad treated me to, ta lots.
Some of her cute little clothes hanging all washed and ready in the wardrobe!
And last but NOT least, the cutest bath toy in the world - Sophie the giraffe - from France!
All looks so cute
I have to say WOOT!*
(here used as an acronym for 'want one of those')
You're looking blooming well, Claire, and no doubt looking forward to those first cuddles. Me too :)
PS Site looks very nice too
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