Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Butterflies and Pockets of Pattern

A few photos of my mixed media butterflies displayed in their new glass backed frames from Otterspool (which I'm really pleased with) before I sent them off to the exhibition at Baker Tilly!

This is 'Fly, Float, Flutter' and in the new frame you can see that the butterflies cast interesting shadows on the wall behind.

This is 'Dinky and Pinky'!! Isn't that a great name?!

You can see here more clearly how I've made each one using coloured wax, paper, beads, wire and threads.

Each paper butterfly is handmade using a stencil on the deckle when the paper is being pulled up through the water. You can just make out the stencil line on the edge of this example.

One of four mixed media panels entitled 'Pockets of Pattern'. Each one includes a photo printed onto fabric, stitching, tissue paper and white ink.

Close up.

Closer up.

From the back!

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Farm Visit

On 12th April we met up with family at this farm and had a lovely time. I especially liked the Alpacas with their funky hair style's - so cool!

Otterspool Exhibition

After joining the Surrey Artists Network online here I was lucky enough to have my 3D cardboard sculpture selected to be on display at Otterspool Studios in Guildford for the first anniversary exhibition until 22nd of May. Olive proved to be a popular guest when we attended the private view.

Totally adorable

Here is Little Baby Olive in a super cute outfit from Paul and Christine (thank you)!

She loves to babble and chatter all day long to whoever is willing to listen and of course chat back!

Olive likes to be sat up as much as possible, right now she is sat on my knee keeping a keen eye on what I put on the blog.

Here Olive is modelling a New Zealand bib from Louise (thank you), we wear a lot of these throughout the day to soak up all the dribble, nice!!

Olive has also discovered her hands, fingers and thumbs all of which should apparently be sucked, chomped and dribbled on liberally. She is so clever that she doesn't accidently slap herself in the face anymore although she's still to figure out that you can't really catch and pull out your own tongue - but by George she's giving it a good go!!

Lambing Weekend

On Sunday 28th March we went with friends to a lambing weekend at Newlyns Farm and were lucky enough to see twins being born! Although my birth experience with Olive wasn't the best I am grateful that it did not at any point involve a rubber glove that goes up to the elbow!!