Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Upcoming Exhibition

I'm excited to let you all know, that four pieces of my art work entitled 'Pockets of Pattern', have been selected for an upcoming exhibition being held in Guildford!! I'll post more info soon.


Olive quite enjoys some proper playtime on the mat now and doesn't she look the cutest in Auntie Sarah's outfit? Well I think so :o)

Mothers Day

How special is this for my first ever Mothers Day? Not only is the cake Gluten Free (of course) but Olive (with a little help from Daddy) has iced the words 'Happy Mummys Day Love Olive' on it for me.


The lovely thing about getting visitors is that they often come bearing gifts! Usually for Baby Olive but sometimes for me, like these gorgeous tulips from Louise, thanks hun!!

Monday, 15 March 2010


I've also added a subscription gadget at the top of the Blog, so if you'd like to be automatically notified when I've added a new post (which will hopefully be more often) then check it out, ta!


Hello Everyone!!

Sorry it's been a while but Little Baby Olive is very good at taking up lots and lots of time and energy. Thought you might all like to see some of her funny expressions; chatting, sleeping, yawning, hiding!

Olive has also been very busy noshing on her favorite snack of boobie milk and is now weighing in at an amazing 8lb 11oz - and is another 3cm longer too.